About Me

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my name is samyy& im a seventeen year old college student studying photography. this blog is about things from cosmetics to movies, a bit of everything really. my main loves in life are fashion& photography which go pretty well together dont you think#♥

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


I do have to say that i am rather sorry for not doing a blog post in a very long time. I've had a lot of college work which needed doing and i haven't really had the time to think about much else. So this blog post now is just going to be a general blog post :) My next blog post will either be tomorrow or at the weekend, as I'm going alton towers- scarefest on the thursday xD (YAY!) & then the friday i will probably be too exhausted to get out of bed :P Anyway, my next blog post is going to be about some of the cute clothes & accessories ive recently purchased at places like, river island, topshop, primark etc :)

And by the way, thankyou to the 3 people that have decided to follow my blog, I didnt think i'd get one person let alone three xD